Can’t loose weight ? Read this

Being obese or having too much weight is like having a nano car in a society full of lambhorgini cars . You know it is okay to have it , but you will not achieve satisfaction from it and those who achieving satisfactions are merely the exceptions . You will keep criticizing yourself for being obese from inside . 

You wouldn’t have a greater social image and would lack confidence too . So if you were the one who was trying to loose weight but couldn’t ever successfully did it . You are at the correct place .

1. Be determined

 First step of any work is making your mind to do it and being consistent to do it .  When you want to be determined about doing any work  , everything in this world will stop you from doing it . For breaking any habit like cravings for junk food you first need to conquer it and avoid it in your mind . You conquer it in your mind , imagine like achieving it and being a healthy person . you are a winner already . 

2. Drinking Water

One more thing that you might have been doing wrong if you are not able to loose weight is not drinking enough water . Water is a great natural appetite suppressant it naturally removes the toxins from the body . Drinking more amount of water helps you in burning more calories . So in the journey of loosing weight , it is very important to drink 1-2 liters of water per day .

Caution :- Try to avoid plastic bottles for drinking water  as it is found to be harmful .

Try to carry water with you in reusable water bottles .

3. Yoga

 Try to start your morning with yoga as it is quite easier to start and complications are almost negligible for performing it . It is best if you start your day with yoga as the morning air is the most fresh . and also yoga is found to be effective for weight loss . 

Yoga is something that you should definitely put into practice if you are not able to loose weight . Various postures are found to be very effective for weight loss and also they free you from all the diseases caused from weight gain such as diabetes , heart diseases , postural deformities , etc.

4. Effective meals

 Keep the proportion of fats and carbohydrates low in your diet . You have to focus more on protein and fibers in  your diet as they help you in building muscles and loosing weight whereas refined carbohydrates and unhealthy fats found in processed meals are extremely unhealthy and harmful . They not only make you fat and look obese but in long term consuming them will invite more diseases in your life . Processed meals such as junk foods and packaged meals should be highly forbidden .

Different fruits and vegetables are very nutritious especially the green ones . Eatables such as Paneer , Tofu , Sprouts , Soya chunks , Soya beans are found to be extremely filled with protein and if you are non-vegan you can eat meat , eggs , fish etc .

5. Physical Exercises

The importance of physical exercises in the journey of loosing weight is as much important as taking sleep in your daily life . Loosing weight will not be possible without performing one effective form of physical exercises . Yoga is something that is highly recommended but along with that there should be some sort of exercise that you can do everyday such as gym exercises , swimming , running  etc . It is very important to perform it regularly . 

6. Keep a note

It is very important to keep a note of your everyday activities . You should check down your weight after every two days . Make a things to do list in the starting of day . Keep your calories in count by using apps such as Healthify me .

It is very important to be consistent in all the activities you perform . It might look  difficult in the beginning but then you will become habitual to it and as soon as you reach that stage , you will definitely succeed . 

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